“Lord, bless this Mother who has prayed so much for me…”

We decided to throw a surprise party for my Mom’s birthday this year. It was sooo much fun! The Lord just brought everything together, as we prayed and asked him to help us make it a special day for Mom.

Dad took Mom away to the shore & a Bed and Breakfast for a couple days so we could make all the food, clean, decorate, practice a song to sing, make the picture presentation, and lots of other things… Somehow we managed to keep everything a complete secret up to the last second before she walked through the door!! She was totally shocked, and we couldn’t have been happier to show her a few hours of special honor for all the years she’s given herself to us in so many ways. 🙂

The song we sang for her was a song by Julia Montoro (with slight alterations)

These words ring true with the Mother the Lord has blessed me with…and I had a hard time keeping my voice steady & choke by the tears during the song – especially my little “solo” part. (If you have facebook, my sister posted a few video clips from the party online…)

The Lord has truly given us a wonderful Mother, and we rise up and call her blessed!

My Mother’s Prayers

“I know that God is Mommy’s friend, cause they talk every day.

I see her read God’s word, and then I see her kneel to pray.

One day I talked to Mother’s friend, and asked him to forgive my sin.

Thank you, Jesus, for a mother who can pray.


My mother’s prayers, my mother’s love, has led me to the God of love –

the God who sent his son to die that I might live with him on high.

Oh, how I pray the Lord today for teaching Mother how to pray.

Lord, bless this Mother who has prayed so much for me.


And through the years, as I have grown, my Mom has always prayed.

I know at times her tears were all because I disobeyed.

But as she prayed so faithfully, the Lord was helping me to see

the way to walk and live for him each day.


And now that I am God’s friend too, I talk with him each day.

I love to read God’s word and daily take the time to pray.

Lord, give me wisdom through the years.

Please guide my life, and calm my fears.

Lord, teach me how to pray as Mother did for me.


My mother’s prayers, my mother’s love, has led me to the God of love –

the God who sent his son to die that I might live with him on high.

Oh, how I pray the Lord today for teaching Mother how to pray.

Lord, bless this Mother who has prayed so much for me.”


Here is the video Ben made with the pictures we scanned in of her life… 🙂

~ by ninarose on October 5, 2009.

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